Resurrect Music is for all of us music lovers who still prefer to carry their favourite music on the...
Resurrect Music is for all of us music lovers who still prefer to carry their favourite music on their device; and control music player to listen songs with ease of access, but are unable to do in current music players due to immense functions/features/buttons and many screens for several purposes. Resurrect Music Player gives you relief from several useless screens and useless functions which are already available in smartphones; and features for more control over music, so that anyone can use Resurrect Music Player easily - our main motive. If you are true music listener then you really don’t need several playlist which distinguish songs with specific artist, specific album or specific genre. We assume here that you only put your favourite music in your phone, which you really want to hear; considering this Resurrect Music Player provide you only one list for all of your songs arranged in alphabetical order.As we talked about “Control over music”, Resurrect Music Player poses features stated below:* Single List for all Songs: Only one list for all songs contained in your phone with extensions - “.mp3” and “.wav”.* Three Buttons: Just three buttons - Play/Pause button, Previous and Next buttons to change songs.* Tinted Background: A tint on background image which will change every time when Resurrect Music Player plays a song; and it really looks good on screen too#.* Play-On Charging: In case your phone’s battery is low and you want to play music without touching any part of screen then just plug-in your phone into charger and Resurrect Music Player will automatically plays the song, but it requires a condition from users, which is “don’t remove Resurrect Music Player from background apps” #.* Touch-Free Control: In case you are listening song while you are having meal or any activity which resist you to touch phone, at here you can enable “Touch-Free” feature of this app by clicking on “Circular Image” above play button. This feature will provide you Touch-free control over music player to perform activities (i.e. Play/Pause song, and change song - Previous and Next). To do that after clicking on circular image, just place your hand above 2-3 centimetres from screen and front camera for one second to play next song and if you hold it there for 2-3 seconds then previous song will start playing. After enabling it you can also disable this feature by clicking again on the same circular image.* Auto-Volume: Music is a partner which gives you relief from stress and help you to sleep better, and in night you really don’t want to bother anyone with raised volume; to overcome this situation, you can enable “Auto-Volume” feature from “Setting menu” which will increase or decrease volume automatically according to environmental light – In dark, volume will be low, but as light glows, volume will increase too #.* Unlike other music players, Resurrect Music Player won’t bother you if you tapped “Back” key of your phone, indeed it will pause song there; after that you can open Resurrect Music Player from notification area and background apps as well. In case you want to switch app and also want to hear music then simply press on middle “Home” button and music will continue on background; and then you can open another app.* Resurrect Music Player will give you constant notification on current playing song in notification area, where you also can Play/Pause song and change song with help of Previous and Next Buttons.* Make Resurrect Music Player as your default music player by clicking on “Set default music player” button in Setting Menu (note. This will only work for “Oreo” and above versions and for previous versions you need to do manually from Settings -> Applications -> Default Applications -> Music).* This is a free app where you don’t have to pay, we just want your support by “Watching an Ad” everyday as you please, you can watch ads from sub-menu of Support Us -> Watch Ads in Setting Menu.